Contact Info
4 Holden Road
North Chittenden, VT 05763
- Phone:
- 802-483-6618
The Pittsford National Fish Hatchery (NFH) opened in 1909 for the production of salmonids (trout, char, and salmon). From 1925-1940 it was an experimental station, raising California golden trout, cut throat trout, rainbow trout, brown trout, Loch Levlen trout, lake trout, brook trout, Arctic char, and Arctic grayling. From 1940 to 1981 it was a production facility raising brook, brown, and rainbow trout for the waters of Vermont, New York, and New Hampshire. Fish were also produced for the Farm Pond Program. During the summer months some three hundred adult fish are kept in the fenced display pond opposite the kiosk. A feed pellet machine is available if you wish to try your hand at feeding the fish. Visiting hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., 365 days a year.
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
Located in West Central Vermont just North of Rutland, off of Route 7.